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Connected Network Communications

PT Salwin Digital Innovation berfokus dibidang digital media, termasuk inside Creative Design, Digital Content, Digital Advertising, Event Organizer, and Investor Relations Services. In addition, PT Salwin Digital Innovation also working with print media newspapers and magazines

Why Choose Us

The right decision for Your Digital Strategy


We aim to increase brand or business awareness You by introducing and applying each value, and uniqueness owned through digital media that is interesting, interactive, and informative.


  • Quality and Client Service is our priority
  • Maximize the use of digital Media to optimize your business
  • Explore the strengths and potential of your business
  • Transform information into digital artwork that highlights the strengths and potential of your business, through compelling creative design and across related platforms
  • Articulate ideas, concepts, information, and other materials into digital media with inspiring, unique designs, and still maintain the clarity of the message to be conveyed

Our Services

Our Digital Solutions

Annual Report

Make Research in the analysis in the form of annual reports and sustainability reports that are aligned with the design and print examples.


Develop detailed research and analysis reports on advertising trends and strategies, showcasing successful campaigns and their impact on the market.

Digital Marketing

Coming soon

Media Relations
(Press Release)

1 press release (the press release will be distributed to 5 different media.)

Digital Printing

Create in-depth research and analysis reports on digital printing technology, complete with detailed case studies and high-quality print examples.

Apa Kata Klien Tentang Kami?

Salwin telah dipercaya para pengguna dari berbagai kalangan

Zhilly Ahmad Founder Zmotion Asia

Setelah beberapa bulan bekerja sama dengan Salwin, Mereka responsif dan mudah diajak kerja sama. Terima kasih atas semua bantuannya. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Ririn Aquarina Owner ANNA Bakery

Saya menggunakan SALWIN untuk Digital Printing dan sangat puas dengan kualitas cetaknya yang tinggi dan detail yang jelas. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Wildan Salim B.M CEO PT Kreasi Cipta Gaharu

I was very impressed with the design provided by SALWIN. The design quality is very high and the service provided is also very professional. Amazing graphic designer!

Our Client

We are committed to fostering lasting partnerships with our clients, rooted in trust and a deep understanding of their evolving business needs.


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